
Showing posts from October, 2019

Mummy Tummy

I had a lot of fear around getting pregnant. Not the normal stuff though. I didn't have as big of fear of if I would stay pregnant, would I get tonnes of morning sickness - as someone who hates throwing up   this was a concern. I did have some qualms about if I could get pregnant since I had almost zero cycle for close to 2 yrs.. that's part of another post.. One of my biggest fears was what pregnancy would do to my body. Social media, the way people talk about child birth etc all sends the message that pregnancy and child birth will ruin your body Now, being someone who has had body issues for quite some time this is a terrifying thought What if - I don't "bounce back" like my social media feed shows What if - I can't lose the baby weight What if - I am covered in stretch marks What if - My husband doesn't find me physically attractive anymore What if -I stop working out and just get huge I had a lot of people say to me that I would bounce back