Hiking Update
Well it's been a hot minute since I've updated on the ole blogspot. So .. here's the latest After my triathlon in June I all but stopped any triathlon style training. I was running one to two times a week and had "planned" on swimming outside while the weather was nice... but we know how plans can go sometimes. I was riding my bike to and from work (a whopping 30 mins total) and going on the odd ride here and there but for the most part things just came to a stand still. I did sign up for a standard or Olympic length triathlon in Cultus Lake for Sept. But, when you stop training are you really prepared? They closed the pool at my gym and I'm already paying 50$ a month to attend and ended up finding more excuses as to why I couldn't pay a drop in fee somewhere else and train. I also ended up getting sick right around the beginning of August and with the fires and smoke in the area (air quality) I also stopped running and riding outside. I still enjoy...