I want to quit

 Remember that scene in friends where Chandler and Ross go and try to quit the gym?  Yeah, I grew up in the 90s.  The point of the post being that I am thinking of quitting the gym. 

When I was on mat leave I went 2-3 x a week and worked out at home while the baby napped. For whatever reason it wasn't an issue to get actual workouts in. I had a plan, I did several styles of workouts and what maintaining pretty well. 

Fast forward to Nov (almost December) and I haven't stepped foot in the gym for about 10 days. 

Covid is obviously still a thing and the cases are at an all time high. For whatever reason, I'm not as nervous as I was about it back in March.  We have also had a head cold or two run through the house and it's really ignorant to go out to the gym while you're not feeling well (full disclosure I was 100% that person pre-covid) I have been lucky not to have to miss any work due to colds or my son getting sick. Between him being OKd to return to daycare and my mother coming to our house to take care of our son we've been really lucky 

Also, once the gyms did reopen they setup a scheduled system. So now, we have to sign up for the allotted schedule ahead of time and if you miss the start of the window by even one minute its locks you out. You can drop in but you have to call in and see if there's still space or you can physically go there and hope that they let you in. The times almost never add up to when I want to go. After I'm off work or after the baby is in bed just doesn't match up to the timeline in our house

Between work and time with the wee man, I don't want to workout "late" (which btw is anytime after 730pm these days ) that will have me stay up late (yes, I am aware how lame I am) OR makes it so that my time with my son. I work full time and I notice his behavior changes the less I see him. It's even more evident on the weeks I work 6 days. Prior to the baby being born I'd go before work but since the hubs goes leaves for work around 5am and the gym isn't open until 5am (honestly, the getting up at 5am just to workout ship sailed a long time ago) 

So, with the list of excuses growing it makes sense to go to the physical gym when I can and to workout at home otherwise Right? Apparently, wrong. 

I was on a good string of running during the work week, either 1x week during my lunch hour (when I got a full hour for lunch anyways AND it was decent out) and maybe a run during the weekend (again, weather dependent) 

The last two weeks my mom was staying with us Mon-Fri due to my sons daycare being shut down so I found the excuse that I should stay home and spend time with her. You know, since my moms been taking care of my son all week: Making us dinner, doing dishes, laundry etc (she's amazing, I know). Plus, the idea was to keep everyone as healthy as possible and going to the gym is not technically essential and full of germs. 

Back to the point.... quitting the gym. Logistically we are moving, not far so it's not like the gym will suddenly be "too far to drive" but we will have substantially more space. AKA - a gym space!!

We do own several sets of equipment. We bought a squat rack and would look into TRX style equipment also. Cardio equipment and takes of space. I own a skipping rope, my husband has a BOB punching torso (it's a creepy as it sounds) and those two things would be suitable for cardio whenever I can't get outside for a run. Plus, I do own (two) bikes now. So, excuses should be minimal

The cons list. I do worry that not having a gym to be a part of will feel very final in the ideas of working out. That the hiatus will continue since I don't have a home base (eventhough the plan is to have a gym in the house). That the excuses I've made thus far will continue to be a hurdle

The Pros. Gym at home means that I literally don't have to leave the house! At the basement suite when you find a good parking spot you don't want to leave and give it up! Now we will have covered secured parking (I'm excited)

Now that we're paying a mortgage any money saved is super ideal. The gym we go to is $50/month so x2 is a nice 100 dollars back to us :) 

Anyways, pretty confident that we will both be quitting by Jan 2021. Of course as it gets closer to moving and making the decisions and having the anxiety about actually pulling the trigger. Which is also why we're still using Shaw cable instead of switching to telus as previously planned. 

Hubs and I agreed going to the gym is good for physical and mental health and we would just wear a mask while working out (as mandated by the provincial gov't anyways) prior to quitting. 

Opening a new chapter is exciting, moving away from the comfort is another

I'd say I'll report back, but it took about 5months to get another post up! Apologies



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